ROBOCON Egypt's Champion
This repository made by PIRATES team members (Robocon 2015 Egypt’s champions)
It includes all the necessary drivers to control 2017’s theme Robot using two arm cortex-m4 (tiva c) microcontrollers and one arduino mega. Based on SPI communication between the three
System Includes: - 2 Tivas (used for robot control) - 1 arduino (used to connect a ps3 controller and send data to tivas using spi commuinication) - 8 channel ldr line sensor - 1 channel ldr line sensor - 3 optical encoders - 3 object detection sensors - 2 IR sensors - 10 Motors - 3 Air Valves
ROBOCON Egypt’s Champion
ROBOCON Helwan University Champion
Robocon achievements :
2014 : 6th place & best innovation award - local ABU ROBOCON 2014-Salute to parenthood.
2015 : Champions of local ABU ROBOCON 2015 badminton.
Egypt's representaive at International ABU ROBOCON 2015-badminton Contest at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2016 : 1st Runner up of local ABU ROBOCON 2016 - Clean Energy Recharging the World
2017 : 5th place at local ABU ROBOCON 2017 - The flying disc